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Mt. Vernon, A Hui Hou, D.C. & Hello NY!


Although I had been to D.C. before so that wasn't as much of a shock, but to truly understand all the memorials after history class was a different experience. The most shocking part though was by far New York, we came from a small town in Hawaii where it is warm to this giant bustling city, in a blizzard. It was a completely different setting, I could see why people loved it there. As a night person it was a nice surprise to see that the city didn't just go to sleep at night. I had no idea of what to expect when it came to the social aspect when going on this trip. I wasn't that good of friends with most of the people, I rode the bus with a couple of them, that was about it. I knew it could either be great or just disappointing, luckily we all got along well and became fast friends. Then the Texans came, we all became close with one of the schools. I am still in contact with them.

Becoming aqainted with students from Texas was very interesting. Being roommates with them was fun because we could learn more about them. I hadn't been to any of these places, so learning about the history and the current state of the places was exciting. Every night you would hear the bustling of the city. Everyone there had someplace to be and I loved it.

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