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River of Mosquitoes & Happy Birthday

We started the day with a delicious breakfast at Panorama Campground. I enjoyed it even more since everyone was wishing me a happy birthday, which made me extremely happy.

We later started to get ready for the bike ride we would be doing around Mto Wa Mbu (which means River of Mosquitoes). At arrival we met the guides that would take us around the village. The guides took us to a nearby gallery, which had many beautiful painting that were made by the people selling them. There were paintings that resembled the Maasai people, animals, and scenery. There were two styles in which the paints were done, some were done by using a pallet knife as a brush and the others were done with regular brushes. The paintings that used the knife technique were more simplistic and minimalistic while the ones painted with a brush were more complex. All were colorful.

At the end of the gallery they took us to a woodworking shop, in which the people working in it were kind enough to show us how they carve the wood. In the shop all items are carved by hand which makes the items more unique. The items at the shop were mostly carved animals such as lions, elephants, rhinos, and monkeys. They also carved masks, staffs, clubs, and bush knives (which are like machetes).

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