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Soccer after thunder showers!

I have a newfound respect for the teachers out there. When teaching the primary school students adjectives I would often have to play a game of charades mixed with a game of Pictionary. When explaining what fat and skinny was I would say big stomach and point to my belly and make it seem bigger than it actually was. For skinny I would make sure that I would say small stomach and act out what a small stomach would look like. Unfortunately in our group we had the class clowns named Giftee and Nelson. They would often skirt the question and try to get me to answer it for them or copy off the person in front of them. I eventually got them to do the assignment and they were actually pretty good at putting the correct adjectives in the blank. Before many of us knew it our teaching time was over and we were pushed outside to play our game. The game that we played was sort of a dancing game mixed with duck, duck, goose. Except that the person that they would pick had to go in the middle and dance to “wiki and a wiki and a poleeshmis.” It was really fun and I got a chance to show of my awesome dance skills. Many other people had really good dance moves and in the end we all had a blast playing dancing game.

Another one of my highlights today was playing soccer with some of the kids at the secondary school. They were a lot better than us but it was a good thing that we split into two groups as then the teams were pretty equal. The soccer field that we were playing on was really cool as they constructed sticks with a cross stick and the fields was a little uneven but you don’t really think about it when you are playing. It was a little scary when the older kids were kicking the ball as they would kick it really hard. I stayed out of the way and tried to get rebounds from the goal to go in. As the game ended a calf walked across the field and started to graze on the grass that was growing on there. It was a fulfilling and fun day and I look forward to the many other things that we will be doing in the future.

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